“At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years… if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies.”
— John Chambers, Cisco
The pace of the digital transformation picked up breakneck speed during the pandemic. Businesses were forced to reckon with the fact that people were working from home. Face to face meetings in person were over. As a result, a broad range of software, and appropriate cloud architecture, is now in place in even the most traditional of workplaces. But now is the time to create a harmonious relationship with digital technology.
There is, however, no need for you to do it alone. So, if you’re excited by the digital transformation revolution, but feel unsure about where to start, then why not find out more?
What is digital transformation? Digital technology creates radical new ways to deliver value to customers, changing competitive industries, and altering the underlying economics of markets. A digital transformation strategy looks at the amalgamation and relationship, of technology within a company to ensure that, at the end of the process, it is completely digital. The business will be streamlined to save money and can offer radically different customer experiences, internal ways of working and communication.
At Orbit4 we understand that digital transformation may sound overwhelming and complicated but in reality it’s simplifying a job you already do.
What is Orbit4? We are the first digital ecosystem that manages and facilitates the entire commercial fitness product cycle. We can guarantee the best value from our aggregated partners that supply, service and buyback fitness equipment.
Orbit4 is the umbrella brand for FitnessCompared, FitnessFinance, WeServiceGymEquipment and WeBuyGymEquipment.
How has going digital improved things? At WeBuyGymEquipment digital transformation is the implementation of an automated bidding process. Sellers simply upload their pictures of their gym equipment to our app on their phones and wait for traders to bid. They will then be emailed the highest bid, which they can accept or refuse.
Digital transformation is all about embracing digital technology and accepting the notion of continuous change within a business to help improve results. Business transformation, of this nature, can help to smooth out processes, lead to more innovation, and empower employees – all of which saves time and money.
At Orbit4 all our platforms are free to join and ensure best value for gym operators, fitness equipment manufacturers, service providers and used fitness equipment traders.
FitnessCompared is the first and only comparison website for buying commercial, home and refurbished fitness equipment in the UK. You choose the equipment you want, which suppliers to compare, review quotes and negotiate directly before confirming your order. All from the comfort of your home!
While some businesses see a digital transformation project as an unwelcome distraction to their pre-ordained strategy, a successful transformation can add a great deal of value to a business. For example, at WeServiceGymEquipment you just upload your equipment, choose your preferred annual contract and let our pre-qualified service providers bid for your business. You can have it all sorted in less than a day! With just a few clicks, it is not hard to see why it is quickly becoming the new way to find your perfect partner to service and repair your gym equipment.
By integrating technology into their strategy, a company can learn more about consumer behaviour and by examining search results and analysing data it can develop useful knowledge. At FitnessFinance, our in-house finance company, the data we’ve generated over the past five years puts us in an extremely privileged position because when it comes to finance, it’s essential to be able to predict the residual value of assets during and towards the end of the assets life. Residual value data held in our sister-brand, WeBuyGymEquipment, enables us to pin-point the future residual value of the asset at the point of purchase. In turn, we can accurately offer the correct financial terms and end of term conditions. A simple win-win for client and Orbit4!
Orbit4 and FitnessFinance work directly with financial institutions to guarantee the best rates depending on your circumstances. Whether you buy equipment via our sister-brand, FitnessCompared or not, you’re able to access competitive finance solutions for your gym.
Our platforms provide the perfect environment for all stakeholders to do business efficiently, effectively and with 100 per cent transparency.
At Orbit 4 we have a holistic approach to technology. It has been hugely rewarding to help businesses embrace their own digital transformation and then watch them flourish and thrive.
Visit www.orbit4.org or contact daniel@orbit4.org to find out how you can instantly connect to your incumbent service provider to submit service tickets via the Orbit4 iOS and Android smartphone apps along with a load of other smart features that you can only get with Orbit4.