Every industry has been hit hard by the global pandemic but not many have been as badly affected as the fitness industry. With many gyms unable to open, buying and selling fitness equipment has been harder than ever.
If you sell gym equipment or sell used gym equipment you will be very well aware of just how tough things have been.
But with many fitness clubs taking classes and equipment outdoors, and gym opening dates on the horizon – things could be about to change and Concept 2 will be at the forefront of our ‘new normal’.
Concept II is a leader in the fitness industry world, well known for their superior quality fitness equipment, specifically the world renowned rower. WeBuyGymEquipment often trade-in Concept 2 rowing machine via their platform. This quality product has the ability to be refurbish at a low cost and be recycled so that lower markets are able to use this premium product at an affordable price.
More than forty years ago, in 1976, a pair of Olympians took their skills from water to land and honed their techniques creating their first composite racing oars.
From their humble beginnings working in the back of a bread van, Dick and Pete Dreissigacker, have continued to rise. Olympic training and an eye for success took the pair straight to the top and Concept2 oars are the choice of the world’s best rowers. The brothers created the Concept2 Indoor Rower in 1981 and instantly it was a hit.
The Indoor Concept 2 rowing machine became the best-selling rowing machine in the world used globally then and today.
Their ambition and creativity continues, always making sure they are at the cutting edge of new concepts. Whether it is gyms wanting to sell commercial gym equipment or sell commercial fitness equipment, together they can help you get the equipment results you need.
Concept2 now supply top quality oars, the indoor rower and the SkiErg, popular in gyms right across the globe.
But rowing began and remains at the heart of the company’s core values.
With more than four decades of experience their main goal is to promote and encourage the growth of rowing. Both indoors and outdoors, they believe the sport should be available and accessible to all.
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